How long is Camino de Santiago? What’s the distance of Camino de Santiago? How many miles is the Camino de Santiago? How long to walk the Camino?

How long is Camino de Santiago?

How long is Camino de Santaigo km

How long is Camino de Santiago  

After hiking Camino de Santiago, I am frequently asked: How long is Camino de Santiago?
First of all, let’s make it clear: There’s no single Camino de Santiago route. 
Camino de Santiago refers to a network of routes across Europe to Santiago de Compostela in Spain

To tell the truth, some Camino de Santiago routes are more popular than others. And, somehow Camino Frances became a synonym for Camino de Santiago in modern times. 
But, among popular Camino de Santiago routes, Camino Inglés with a length of 71 mi (115 km) is the shortest Camino de Santiago route, and Camino Mozárabe with a length of 932 mi (1500 km) is the longest Camino de Santiago route.
Taking into account that a Camino pilgrim walks about 20-25 km on average every day, Camino Ingles is walked in 5 days, and Camino Mozarabe in 70 days on average.

And, if you are thinking of walking the famous Camino Frances you will need between 30 and 35 days to walk the entire route of 482 mi (777 km). But if you decide to go even further after Santiago – to ‘the End of the World’ (aka Camino Finisterre), you will walk 55 mi (90 km) or 4 days more.
If you sum it up, your entire Camino journey will be around 1000 km or between 35-40 days long.

How long is Camino de Santiago
Camino mural

How long is Camino de Santiago KM / MI

Camino de Santiago length

But to answer the question of how long the Camino de Santiago is, here’s the summary of the lengths of the most popular Camino de Santiago routes: 

  1. CAMINO FRANCES from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela: 482 mi (777 km)
  2. CAMINO DEL NORTE from Irun to Santiago de Compostela: 514 mi (828 km)
  3. CAMINO DE LA PLATA from Seville to Santiago de Compostela: 621 mi (1000 km) 
  4. CAMINO MOZARABE from Almeria to Santiago de Compostela : 932 mi (1500 km) 
  5. CAMINO SANABRES from Granja de Moreruela to Santaigo de Compostela: 234 mi (378 km)
  6. CAMINO PORTUGUESE CENTRAL from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela: 385 mi (620 km) 
  7. CAMINO PORTUGUES DA COSTA from Porto to Santiago de Compostela: 161 mi (260 km)
  8. CAMINO INGLES from Ferrol to Santiago de Compostela: 71 mi (115 km)
  9. CAMINI PRIMITIVO from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela: 192 mi (310 km)
  10. CAMINO INVIERNO from Ponferrada to Santiago de Compostela: 163 mi (263 km)

There are two additional Caminos from Santiago to ‘the End of the World’ on the Atlantic coast of Galicia.
They are symbolic endings of the Camino de Santiago trail:

  1. CAMINO A FINISTERRE from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre: 55 mi (90 km)
  2. CAMINO A MUXIA from Santiago de Compostela to Muxia: 54 mi (88 km)   
How long is Camino de Santiago km

Length of Camino de Santiago

CAMINO FRANCESSaint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela482 mi
(777 km)
CAMINO DEL NORTEIrun to Santiago de Compostela514 mi
(828 km)
CAMINO DE LA PLATASeville to Santiago de Compostela621 mi
(1000 km) 
CAMINO MOZARABEAlmeria to Santiago de Compostela932 mi
(1500 km) 
CAMINO SANABRESGranja de Moreruela to Santiago de Compostela234 mi
(378 km)
CAMINO PORTUGUESE CENTRALLisbon to Santiago de Compostela385 mi
(620 km) 
CAMINO PORTUGUES DA COSTAPorto to Santiago de Compostela161 mi
(260 km)
CAMINO INGLESEFerrol to Santiago de Compostela71 mi
(115 km)
CAMINO PRIMITIVOOviedo to Santiago de Compostela192 mi (310 km)12-14
CAMINO INVIERNOPonferrada to Santiago de Compostela163 mi
(263 km)
CAMINO A FINISTERRESantiago de Compostela to Finisterre55 mi (90 km)3-4
CAMINO A MUXIASantaigo de Compostela to Muxia54 mi (88 km)3-4

However, not many people have enough time to walk the entire route. Still, they want to hike the Camino de Santiago and get their Pilgrims Certificate.

There’s a minimum of 100 km that needs to be walked, and a minimum of 200 km that needs to be done by bicycle, to be eligible for getting a Compostela.
Distances are recorded by stamps sealed on pilgrims’ passports. If you are planning to walk the required minimum of 100 km to get a Compostela, please keep in mind that in that case, you will need to collect 2 stamps a day.

If you average 20-25 km a day, you will need to walk the Camino for 5 days to reach Santiago and to get your Compostela certificate.

Here are the starting points of the last 100 km of each Camino route:

  • Camino Frances: Sarria
  • Camino del Norte: Vilalba
  • Camino de la Plata: Ourense
  • Camino Mozarabe: Ourense
  • Camino Sanabres: Ourense
  • Camino Portugues Central: Tui
  • Camino Portugues Da Costa: Tui
  • Camino Ingeles: Ferrol
  • Camino Primitvo: Lugo
  • Camino Invierno: Chantada

CAMINO FRANCESSarria to Santiago de Compostela72 mi
(116 km)
CAMINO DEL NORTEVillaba to Santiago de Compostela80 mi
(129 km)
CAMINO DE LA PLATAOurense to Santiago de Compostela67 mi
(108 km) 
CAMINO MOZARABEOurense to Santiago de Compostela67 mi
(108 km) 
CAMINO SANABRESOurense to Santiago de Compostela67 mi
(108 km)
CAMINO PORTUGUES CENTRALTui to Santiago de Compostela73 mi
(118 km) 
CAMINO PORTUGUES DA COSTATui to Santiago de Compostela73 mi
(118 km)
CAMINO INGLESFerrol to Santiago de Compostela71 mi
(115 km)
CAMINO PRIMITIVOLugo to Santiago de Compostela68 mi
(100 km)
CAMINO INVIERNOChantada to Santiago de Compostela64 mi
(104 km)

I hope this article has helped answer how long the Camino de Santiago is by giving the length of each Camino route.

So far, I hiked Camino del Norte, Via de la Plata from Salamanca (via Camino Sanabres), and Camino Finisterre.
Here you can read my guides:
Camino del Norte
Via de La Plata
Camino Sanabres
Camino a Finisterre
And here’s the Camino packing list I used for my Caminos: Packing list Camino de Santiago

Q&AHow long is Camino de Santiago?

How many miles is Camino de Santiago?

Camino de Santiago is a network of a number of routes across Spain leading to the tomb of St James Apostol in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The most famous Camino route is Camino Frances (the French Way) which covers 482 mi (777 km).
Camino Ingles (the English Way) is the shortest route among popular Camino de Santiago routes. It covers 71 mi (115 km).
And the longest route is Camino Mozarabe. It covers 932 mi (1500 km).

How long does it take to walk the Camino de Santiago?

The shortest route of Camino Ingles is walked in 5 days on average and the longest route of Camino Mozarabe is walked in 70 days on average.
And, the most popular route of Camino Frances takes between 30 to 35 days.

How long is the Camino de Santiago?

Camino de Santiago is a network of routes. There are several popular Camino routes

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